Sunday, February 6, 2011


A few times a week, when the weather allows, I try to enjoy a walk of a mile or two along the country road on which I live.  Since I'm walking anyway it only makes sense to carry along a 5 gallon basket and a grabber.  As I filled it with aluminum cans today, as I always do on such walks, I pondered these three things: (1) Are there enough thoughtless people in a county of less than 20,000 to toss 50-60 pounds of cans weekly out of their car windows along the same stretch of road. (2) For every soda can I pick up at least 10 beer cans, is it safe for me to walk out here. (3) Do people really drink water mellon flavored malt liquor.  At any rate such tossings add up to a nice seven night Caribbean cruise by vacation time so I guess walking is good exercise.